
Accomplish more with JSON Schema, without paying the development costs yourself

Let us do the heavy lifting, and avoid rolling your own tools or maintain custom scripts that glue together slow and buggy packages

Hosting Analytics Documentation Formatting Linting Testing Bundling Upgrading Debugging
You can use all of the above functionality with specifications that make use of JSON Schema such as OpenAPI, and AsyncAPI
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The world's specifications use JSON Schema

94% of developers in the API space know JSON Schema. Don't miss out

Complex schemas demand proper generated documentation

Once your schemas grow, manually documenting them while making sure the documentation doesn't get out of sync is borderline impossible, and you might end up wasting time extending your static site generators with custom scripts that barely cover the subset of JSON Schema keywords you need.

Why waste your time developing a solution that should have existed all along?

You likely don't support more than one dialect

Whatever version of JSON Schema you target, a segment of your users might be using a different version and likely cannot migrate to another one just for you. Manually upgrading and downgrading an ever growing collection of schemas to target every possible version of JSON Schema is unmaintainable at best.

What if you could automatically serve your schemas for every version of JSON Schema without additional effort?

GitHub Pages was not designed for serving schemas

GitHub Pages (and alternatives) will not serve your schemas using the right spec-compliant HTTP headers, you will not have control over HTTP caching for performance reasons, and will not be capable of automatically serving your schemas in a way that handles non-compliant IDE editors like Visual Studio Code.

Why care about all of these low-level details?

Rolling your own testing scripts won't cut it for long

When was the last time you wrote your own testing framework for your programming language of choice instead of using an off-the-shelf one? Yet, most JSON Schema projects maintain custom scripts (if any!) to approximate the idea of a testing framework and other niceties to make sure their schemas do what was intended.

Wouldn't you rather get rid of all those ad-hoc scripts while getting a nicer developer experience?

Tools that will make you excel with schemas

Open Source


Micro-second validation, formatting, linting, testing, bundling (inlining remote references), and more

Star on GitHub
Coming Soon

Standard Library

A growing collection of carefully crafted reusable schemas so you don't have to reinvent the wheel

Coming Soon

Schema Validator

A multi-language high-performance validation library built on top of our state-of-the-art schema compiler

Coming Soon

Schema Registry

A service for centrally managing, exploring, distributing, and governing your schemas

$0.50/mo per schema resource

  • Automatically upgrade your schemas
  • Convert schemas to Avro Schemas
  • Serve schemas and documentation on custom domains

We are heads down building, but in the mean-time...

Please subscribe to our mailing list to express your support and be the first to know when our new projects are out.

Of course, we'll never share your email with anyone else

Additionally, we are always seeking feedback, ideas, and suggestions to better serve the JSON Schema community. Don't hesitate in letting us know your thoughts in public using GitHub Discussions, or in private over e-mail.

Looking to level up your JSON Schema skills?

Mastering JSON Schema is hard, and learning it by reading the specifications is not fun. That's why we are building Learn JSON Schema, the ultimate reference documentation site for JSON Schema. Plus it's open-source and you can contribute to it too!

Profile pictures of Learn JSON Schema contributors

Screenshot of
Book cover of Unifying Business, Data, and Code Book cover of Unifying Business, Data, and Code Book cover of Unifying Business, Data, and Code

Do you need an out of the box solution?

If you require custom JSON Schema software, hands on help with your schemas, architecture design, private training, consulting, or anything in between, let's talk!

Profile picture of Ron Itelman

Ron Itelman: CEO at Intelligence.AI, co-author of Unifying Business, Data, and Code (O'Reilly), executive strategic consultant specializing in data strategy and product management

Profile picture of Juan Cruz Viotti

Juan Cruz Viotti: CTO at Intelligence.AI, co-author of Unifying Business, Data, and Code (O'Reilly), did award-winning research at the University of Oxford on data serialisation and data compression, and is part of the JSON Schema Technical Steering Committee

Reach out to to discuss how we can help